To celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 6th March we are having a “Book Swap” at school. For this, children should bring in a book they would be happy to swap with another on Thursday 6th March, if children don’t have any books to swap please don’t worry. We will have plenty of spares.
We are also having a “Get Caught Reading Competition”, children have been challenged to take a picture of themselves reading somewhere unusual or interesting or to a pet! This links to the World Book Day theme of “read your way”. Please email entries to learning@castlehill.kent.sch. uk. There will be a prize for the winners! Below are some staff entries that are designed to inspire your children.
As in previous years, due to the current climate we do not want any of you to go out and spend your precious money on costumes so we will not be asking pupils to dress up as their favourite book characters. All children will come home with a £1 book voucher on Thursday 6th March, which they can exchange for one of the World Book Day Books.