Children are admitted to NURSERY the term after their third birthday.
Children are admitted FULL TIME to the main school Reception class, in the September after their fourth birthday.
Parents are strongly advised to register their children for a place in the main school at the earliest opportunity. If your child already attends Nursery, you must still register them for a place in the main school.
The criteria for admissions to the main school and the Nursery are operated by the Local Educational Authority.
Visit the Kent on line admissions web site by clicking below:
Kent Admissions and Registration
or complete the email form below to request an Admissions Form direct from the school.
Admission forms can be obtained from the School office or you can apply on line. Forms can be returned to the school office or directly to Kent County Council. The decision to offer your child a place is made by the Local Education Authority.
If your child is transferring from another school it may not be possible to confirm their place straight away, however you will be given an answer within seven days.
We are a two form entry primary school. This means that we can take up to 58 children in each year group. This number can increase if the Local Education Authority instructs the school to do so.
The children are organised into class depending on their age, and this does not change unless there are exceptional circumstances.
The nursey is open to all children, aged 3 and over, regardless of the Primary School that they have chosen.
Visits to the school are actively encouraged. The Headteacher, or member of the senior management team, conduct tours around the school every Friday at 10.45am.
All you need to do is ring the office to book a place. If you really cannot make this time we will try to find you an alternative.
Parents are also welcome to make an appointment with the Headteacher for any further discussions they would like to have. We welcome open and honest dialogue between the school and parents.