Hearing Impaired Specialist Resource Provision (HI SRP)
- Mrs S Stockley
- Miss R Appleby (Qualified Teacher of the Deaf)
- Mr J White (Specialist Teacher)
- Mrs J Willis (Qualified Teacher of the Deaf)
- Mrs J Anthony
- Mrs J DuBois
- Mrs M Flower
- Miss R Brown
- Mrs H Lewis
- Miss S Macey
- Mr E Punton
- Miss E Roberts
- Mrs L Smith
- Miss E Wood
- Mrs J Coleman
If you would like more information about the SRP or would like to make an appointment to visit us, please contact us using the direct email form below.
Useful Information
Please look at your child’s class news page to find out what topics they will be learning about.
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to either write in the home/school book or phone the school office (01303 251583) and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Please also look on your child’s class news page for further ideas to support their work at school.
A Specialist Resource Provision (SRP) for children with severe or profound hearing loss from all over Kent using the ‘Total Communication’ approach.
The SRP is an integral part of our school using speech, sign language, mime, gesture, facial expression and listening skills to develop the communication of our hearing impaired children.
Children with a hearing impairment benefit from the expertise of the highly qualified and experienced teachers staffing the SRP. We employ Communication Support Workers (CSWs) who are well qualified, skilled in signing and provide excellent levels of support. This ensures that the children who attend the SRP are fully included in school life. We greatly value the contribution to school life that the SRP brings.
Following consultation with the Local Authority, Specialist Teaching and Learning Service and headteacher agreement, children with an EHCP for hearing impairment may be considered suitable for our setting. We currently have spaces for up to 14 children in the SRP.
Visits to the school and the SRP are actively encouraged and warmly welcomed.
All children follow the government recommended curriculum (EYFS/National Curriculum) with support from the SRP staff.
We have specialist speech and language therapists on site for children requiring support, as identified by professionals.
Children within the SRP benefit from pre- and post-teaching of vocabulary and concepts to support mainstream learning.