Castle Hill Community Primary School
01303 251583

Summer Fayre 2024

Our Summer Fayre is on Thursday 13 June at 2.30pm. You may collect your child early, or they can stay in school until normal school finish time.

Below is some useful information about the afternoon.

All stalls run by the school will only take tokens as payment. Business stalls and the ice cream van will be taking cash.

Tokens are available to purchase via your SCOPAY account before the event – If you pre-order on SCOPAY you can collect your tokens a few days before the fayre.

If you would like to buy your tokens with cash then please speak to Sarah in the FLO office at drop off or collection times. Please bring the correct amount of cash as we do not have change.

There will be tokens for sale on the day but please be aware you will have to queue for these.

Please use SCOPAY to purchase raffle tickets.