Castle Hill Community Primary School
01303 251583

Posts by admin

Castle Hill Reads

Last month all the children were set the challenge of reading more in March than they had in February and...

The Wizard of Oz

On Friday 22 March, the whole school watched M & M Theatre Company’s production of The Wizard of Oz Everyone...

End of Term 4 – Thursday 28 March

Children return to school after the Easter break on Monday 15 April

Thank you for donating to Comic Relief

We are pleased to let you know we raised a fantastic amount for Comic Relief- £171.24! Thank you to everyone...

Captain Wonderweb & The Esteem Machine

We were lucky to have a visit from Captain Wonderweb & the Esteem Machine on Tuesday 12 March. Theatre company...

Castle Hill Radio

Some children in Year 5 and 6 have been incredibly fortunate to launch Castle Hill Radio. Volunteers from Academy FM...

World Book Day 2024

Castle Hill celebrated World Book Day 2024 with a range of exciting events! Firstly, we would like to say a...

Year 3 Circus Skills – 27 February 2024

Circus into schools visited Year 3 on Tuesday to teach us some circus tricks! We have been learning about the...

Castle Hill Reads

Below are the children’s reading totals for February. Spending time reading is the most important thing any child can do...

Year 1 Theatre Workshop 20 February 2024

Year One had an amazing experience on Tuesday 20th as they were lucky enough to spend a day working with...